Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Senggigi Beach Lombok

Monday, June 14, 2010
Tanah Lot

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Lovina Beach

Lovina Beach is one of the sights in Buleleng is located about 9 km from the town of Singaraja. Unlike the beaches of Kuta and Sanur beach, Lovina Beach is not suitable as a place to sunbathe because there are many boat (small boats) that line the coast dipinggiran. These canoes are used for activity see attractions dolphins (Dolphin) in the morning. Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins. Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins. Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back. There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available.
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Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins. Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins. Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back. There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available. " name=gtrans>
Menyumbangkan terjemahan yang lebih baik:
Lovina Beach is one of the sights in Buleleng is located about 9 km from the town of Singaraja. Unlike the beaches of Kuta and Sanur beach, Lovina Beach is not suitable as a place to sunbathe because there are many boat (small boats) that line the coast dipinggiran. These canoes are used for activity see attractions dolphins (Dolphin) in the morning.
Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins.
Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins.
Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back.
There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sanur Beach

Friday, June 11, 2010
Kuta Beach in Bali

Or also known Kuta Beach sunset beach (sunset beach) is one of the attractions of Bali are the most popular by domestic and foreign guests were no exception also by the Balinese themselves. Every Saturday and Sunday or a long vacation, this beach is definitely always crowded with local visitors, domestic and foreign. So, if it has not kloplah to Bali without a trip to Kuta Beach.So what's interesting on the beach of Kuta is this?When it comes to attractive or not, that depends on each individual's taste. But there is nothing wrong if we also show the interesting side of Kuta beach, judging from the author ... he.he.he. glassesOK, we just straight to the point. First, white sandy Kuta Beach. As a layman, we would know if the color is definitely black sand!. But, that there is no Kuta beach sand is black but white. This white sand that is carefully observed fragments formed by coral reefs.Second, large waves of Kuta Beach plus winds. Well suited for travelers who liked / like surfing. But usually things like this happen in the daytime.Third, heat bercuaca Kuta Beach. For the guests of foreign tourists either Europe, America, Australia, and others very happy to indulge themselves with sunbathing on the beach. There is a bikini, topless (without bra .. heee), and in fact there is no dress at all. (Stttt.. May be subject to the Act-Pornography and Porno action nih ... .. tsk tsk tsk ..)and the Fourth, Kuta Beach is a turtle habitat. Kuta beach is the first real, live animals and their habitats Turtle (turtle). But now the turtles on the verge of extinction, and therefore this animal is protected by Government Regulation No. 7 year 1999 about the Preservation of Plants and Animals, one of which protects all species of sea turtles. Also protected by international law through the World Conservation Union (IUCN).Then how do you think? there still willing to spend your vacation to Bali without first stopping to Kuta Beach?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Losari Beach

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tanjung Pesona Beach

Pantai Tanjung Pesona is located at Desa Rabak, Kecamatan Sungailiat, around 9km from Sungailiat. Parking lot at the location was spacious, covered from the sun by leaves of coconut trees. Visitor could as well tour along the beach on a rented carriage.
Huge stones lying nicely on the beach seems to be one of the trademarks of beaches in Bangka Island.
The Gazebo and the connecting bridge.
Girls were enjoying the time.
A father was tending his kids braving the waves.
The Gazebo from a distance with scene of kids playing on the beach.
The huge rock is a nice place for relaxing as well as a good spot for trying one’s luck with fishing.
Up to 3-star hotel is available at Pantai Tanjung Pesona for you to stay if you want to enjoy the view and the atmosphere of the popular beach in the early morning or late afternoon, before exploring further the other beaches and places of interest in Bangka Island.
Pengandaran Beach West Java

Monday, June 7, 2010
Kura-kura Beach
Sunday, June 6, 2010