Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bunaken National Park is very representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems consist of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and land / coastal ecosystems. In the northern part consists of the islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua island, the island Montehage, Siladen island, the island of Nain, Nain Small island, and some coastal areas of Cape Pisok. While in the Southern Cape coast covering most of Palm. Potential mainland islands national park is rich in species of palm, sago, woka, silar and coconut. Animal species that exist on the mainland and the coast, among others, Sulawesi black macaques (Macaca nigra nigra), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), and polecat (Ailurops ursinus ursinus). Mangrove plant species in the Bunaken National Park is Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as seagulls, storks, sea virgin, and Heron sea. Type of algae found in this national park covers types of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Seagrass beds are dominated mainly on the island Montehage, and islands such as Thalassia hemprichii Nain, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum. Recorded 13 genera of corals living in waters of Bunaken National Park, dominated by the edge of coral reef species and coral reef barrier. The most interesting is the vertical cliffs as far as 25-50 meters. Approximately 91 species of fish found in the waters of Bunaken National Park, including fish gusumi horse (Hippocampus horse), white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus) , and others. Types of mollusks such as giant clams (Tridacna gigas), the head of the goat (Cassis cornuta), hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates / ascidians. The best visiting season: months of May to August each year. How to achieve location: Bunaken National Park can be reached through the port of Manado, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) in the District of Molas and Marina Blue loud. From the Port of Galway using a motorboat to the island can be reached Siladen + 20 minutes + 30 minutes of Bunaken Island, the island Montehage + 50 minutes and +60 minutes Nain island. Blue Banter Marina with a yacht that is available to the tourist area on the island of Bunaken be taken within 10-15 minutes, while the NDC to the port on the island of Bunaken dive sites by using speed boat be within + 20 minutes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Senggigi Beach Lombok

If you ever imagine your body lying on the edge of the Indonesian coast, above the beautiful white sand, sprinkled with exotic all-natural scenery, and were showered with sunlight that warms the body, it would not be wrong if you took to recreation and tourism to the Senggigi Beach on the Island Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of Mataram was indeed a famous tourist attraction for its beautiful beaches and natural significance. Communities often align with the beauty of this beach is renowned beaches in Bali, like Kuta, Legian and Sanur. In fact, the beauty of Senggigi Beach is often described exceeds these beaches, because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach. As the leading beach tourism area of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Senggigi is still relatively natural and clean. The beach is still beautiful, pounding waves not too big, and beautiful underwater scenery, the more confirmed that the beach that stretches about 10 kilometers This is the ideal place for domestic and foreign tourists for a moment forget about the daily routine and atmosphere of the hustle and bustle of the city. Senggigi Beach is now starting ogled by tourists, especially foreign tourists, because of the relatively virgin territory, and also has extensive information about its existence. With the increasing interest and enthusiasm of tourists to the Senggigi Beach, local governments and companies increasingly viable sewasta build and fix all the infrastructure, so that more tourists interested to visit this beach. Feature Visiting Senggigi in Lombok Island may need to be a separate agenda tours for tourists who love the beauty and tranquility of nature. Just imagine, when entering the beach area, travelers will soon swept away by soft-breeze that blows along the beach mansions in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Fresh atmosphere, comfortable and beautiful as if to greet tourists at the beginning of his visit. We have been located by the beach, the eyes of the tourists will be served by the exotic charm of the beach set in waves chasing each other, which extend the white sand, and thousands of tiny animal that spreads on a bed of sand, and the landscape of Mount Agung in the opposite island (Bali). Senggigi beach does offer a unique charm. Natural atmosphere which has not been overwhelmed by the many foreign tourists, as a marker of difference this coast with the beaches in Bali. This certainly gives nuance to the visitors. No wonder, this beach has become the new alternative destination for tourists who long for the reassuring atmosphere of natural silence. There are many tourist activities that can be done in this beach visitors, such as swimming, water play, diving, snorkeling, sunbathing, and playing games create a sand castle. If the afternoon sun has its charms, tourists can also take the time to simply relax by walking barefoot down the beach, sitting on a bed of sand with mangamati blue-green sea water, or relaxing in the beachfront stalls while waiting for sunset arrived. For visitors who want to swim or just play the water, it is suggested to be more careful, because near the coast there are many coral reefs are quite dangerous pointy toe. For tourists visiting the Senggigi Beach, sempatkanlah observed Pura Batu Bolong. We walked along the edge of Senggigi Beach, less than about half an hour, travelers will find a temple built on the reef which is located on the beach. Pura is what the community was named Pura Batu Bolong. According to local legend, the ancient temple is often held at the sacrifice of a virgin, as a dish of food to Shark who live on the coast. Another legend says, the temple is also the place of women hurling themselves into the sea because of a broken heart. Another interesting thing to do is along the Senggigi at night, especially when the full moon arrives. Visitors will see lots of people / people around who take advantage of the warm sand of Senggigi to medical therapy. They bury part or all of the body to the neck during the 2-3 hours, while listening to the crashing waves that broke the silence. This therapy is believed to be the local community can heal various diseases, such as rheumatic pain to paralysis Pegel. If interested in this activity, visitors can join and try it. For the affairs of the stomach, tourists can try the delights of the kinds of dishes / serving food typical of Lombok in the restaurants were lined up neatly on the edge of the beach. The price varies from Rp 30,000 to Rp 300,000 per person (December 2008). Of course, dining at seaside amusement burst of light illuminated by the moon and were entertained by the orchestra, the surf beach a pity if the pass up. No less interesting, tourists do not forget to taste the typical food servings Taliwang Lombok and the Chicken Rice. Almost every restaurant in Senggigi Beach, Lombok or in general, provides a serving of this dish. While eating Chicken Rice Taliwang or, tourists will be entertained with typical Lombok arts, music and dance form. Even if you do not mind, visitors are also allowed to dance together in shades of joy and togetherness. In addition, for by-by, tourists also do not forget to buy pearls and woven fabric with various motifs and colors. Pearl jewelry that has been assembled into a beautiful and captivating eyes are found in seaside kiosks. However, if it wishes to own stringing pearls this, tourists can buy a plain pearl beads. Plain pearls are usually sold in the form of a necklace that consists of many pearls. Pearls can be arranged themselves according to the desired form of jewelry. Once satisfied to enjoy the natural beauty of Senggigi Beach, tourists can go on tour to the tourist attractions are not far from the beach location, among others, the three Gili (small islands): namely Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, Beaches Kerandangan, and Stone Coast Screen. Stone Screen is a place sacred to the adherents of Islam in Lombok Island Wetu Barbadensis (Sasak tribe). Location Senggigi Beach is situated in the northwestern city of Mataram, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), Indonesia. Access Towards Senggigi Beach area is easy, because there's been the port and airport on the island of Lombok. If starting from the island of Bali, travelers can depart from Coral Harbour ferry headed Asem use Senggigi, with travel time approximately 30 minutes away. This mileage may be cut when using aircraft from Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar to Mataram Airport Selaparang (Capital City NTB), which only takes about 15 minutes. Apart from the Karang Asem Harbor, tourists can also depart from the port of Padang Bay in Bali to use the ferry to Lombok Island Sheet Harbour. On the way, travelers will be pampered with a beautiful natural panorama and also the emergence of dolphins followed the ship that chased each other. Padang Bay-Sheet trip by ferry takes about four hours. Having arrived at the Sheet Harbour, visitors can continue the journey to Kota Mataram. From Mataram, Senggigi Beach is 11 miles and can be reached by taxi and other public vehicles. In addition to sea, tourists can also go Senggigi Beach using air flights from major cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, and Yogyakarta. By using aircraft from one of the city, tourists will not come into Selaparang Airport, Mataram. From this airport, tourists can go directly to the area of Senggigi Beach.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tanah Lot

Here are two temples are situated on a large rock. One is located on top of a boulder and was located on top of a cliff similar to the Uluwatu Temple. Pura Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang Goda. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a place of worship the gods of the sea guards. According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He is a successful Nirartha strengthens the belief of the Balinese Hindu's teaching and building a Sad Goda is on the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot. He agreed, and before leaving Tanah Lot, he was with his strength to move boulders into the middle of the beach (not into the sea) and build a temple there. He also changed the shawl into a snake temple guards. This snake is still there today and scientifically snakes including sea snakes that have a characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped black and yellow and has three times more powerful toxins from cobra snake. End of the legend states that Bendesa Beraben 'finally' a follower Nirartha. Lot tourism object is located in the village land Beraban Kediri Tabanan District, about 13 km west of Tabanan. Pura Tanah Lot on the north side there is a temple located on top of the cliff that jutted into the sea. This cliff temple connect with the land and shaped like a bridge (arch). Tanah Lot, famous as a beautiful place to watch the sunset (sunset), the tourists are usually crowded in the afternoon to see the beauty of the sunset here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lovina Beach

Lovina Beach is one of the sights in Buleleng is located about 9 km from the town of Singaraja. Unlike the beaches of Kuta and Sanur beach, Lovina Beach is not suitable as a place to sunbathe because there are many boat (small boats) that line the coast dipinggiran. These canoes are used for activity see attractions dolphins (Dolphin) in the morning. Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins. Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins. Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back. There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available.
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Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins. Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins. Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back. There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available. " name=gtrans>
Menyumbangkan terjemahan yang lebih baik:
Lovina Beach is one of the sights in Buleleng is located about 9 km from the town of Singaraja. Unlike the beaches of Kuta and Sanur beach, Lovina Beach is not suitable as a place to sunbathe because there are many boat (small boats) that line the coast dipinggiran. These canoes are used for activity see attractions dolphins (Dolphin) in the morning.

Attractions dolphins chase began in the early morning hours of 5:00. Starting the night before we ordered the boat in the hotel or directly to the fishermen there. And at 5 o'clock hour came knocking the door and shouts of "Dolphin, Dolphin", that's the attraction signals of dolphins chase begins.

Rushed towards the shore, climbed into the boat, and we drove out to sea. Initially there was not anything. But then berloncatanlah dozens of dolphins that seemed to have deliberately pursued. So belombalah boats chasing the dolphin in the direction accompanied by cries of delight its passengers. Once all the boats are chasing, leaping dolphins away and we continue to pursue, then they disappeared. Silent for a moment there is only sound of the wind and awake to find the dolphins.

Hooop, the dolphins, the dolphin appeared again in another place, and the boats turned to pursue another direction. Sometimes dolphins swim so close to the boat, sometimes in front, sometimes distant, they seemed to already know this game. This activity lasted until about 7:30 in the morning hours. Once the sun is high enough, we pulled back.

There are a variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages are available with a very affordable price. So if you want to take a holiday to North Bali Lovina Beach in particular, you need not fear the facility because of all the facilities and infrastructure already available.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sanur Beach

Sanur Beach is one tourist attraction in addition to the beach in Bali Kuta Beach. Sanur Beach is also known as Sunrise Beach Sunrise Beach or the morning because when we see the sun rise freely without hindered by the mountain or hill. So if a holiday to Bali, do not forget a walk to the beach of Sanur in the morning to see the sunrise seconds. What was interesting from Sanur beach than the sun rising?1. White sand. In Indonesia, a rare white sandy beaches, so this is unique.2. The blazing sun. Suitable for those of you who want to sunbathe along the beach of Sanur.3. The water is receding in the afternoon. Usually sea water at low tide Sanur beach in the afternoon so that many found shallow-marine shoal. Visitors use this moment to up the canoe, a kind of small boats. Anyway nice cool ....The attack group of islands and coral rock that jutted into the sea across the sea visible from the south of Sanur Beach. Panorama south of Sanur beach is more beautiful views in the morning. Place a strategic review is part of the East, in Semawang and Mertasari. The situation there was fresh air and a comfortable sea breeze blowing. Sanur beach atmosphere along the light and shade as full of big trees. Sanur Beach to enjoy both sunrise (Sun Rise), and sunbathing along the white sandy beaches.Sanur Beach is located in Sanur Village, South Denpasar District Municipality Dati II Denpasar. This beach is located in the East and South of Sanur village, which is the southern edge of the Ocean Indonesia island of Bali. The place was well known since time immemorial, especially when there is a war Puputan Badung on 20 September 1906 where the Dutch troops landed there. In the history of ancient Bali, Sanur beach is also well known, and stone monument masdih there is an inscription written that King Kasari Warmadewa Singhadwala berkeraton in 917 years, which is now available at Southern Blanjong Sanur Beach.Among Tourism, Sanur beach was first introduced by the Belgian painter named AJLe Mayeur and his wife Ni Polok who settled there since 1937 and held a painting exhibition of his own work. The attraction of Sanur beach north around like a half-circle and Southern parts turned from East to West, where the sea waves not so big and when the water subsided saw a rock that stretched colorful. On the day of death approaching months seawater rises and the waves quite large. In the Southeast saw a group of islands of Nusa Penida across the sea and a panorama looking east of the southern coast of Bali Island with a mountain. (Ruth)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kuta Beach in Bali

Or also known Kuta Beach sunset beach (sunset beach) is one of the attractions of Bali are the most popular by domestic and foreign guests were no exception also by the Balinese themselves. Every Saturday and Sunday or a long vacation, this beach is definitely always crowded with local visitors, domestic and foreign. So, if it has not kloplah to Bali without a trip to Kuta Beach.So what's interesting on the beach of Kuta is this?When it comes to attractive or not, that depends on each individual's taste. But there is nothing wrong if we also show the interesting side of Kuta beach, judging from the author ... he.he.he. glassesOK, we just straight to the point. First, white sandy Kuta Beach. As a layman, we would know if the color is definitely black sand!. But, that there is no Kuta beach sand is black but white. This white sand that is carefully observed fragments formed by coral reefs.Second, large waves of Kuta Beach plus winds. Well suited for travelers who liked / like surfing. But usually things like this happen in the daytime.Third, heat bercuaca Kuta Beach. For the guests of foreign tourists either Europe, America, Australia, and others very happy to indulge themselves with sunbathing on the beach. There is a bikini, topless (without bra .. heee), and in fact there is no dress at all. (Stttt.. May be subject to the Act-Pornography and Porno action nih ... .. tsk tsk tsk ..)and the Fourth, Kuta Beach is a turtle habitat. Kuta beach is the first real, live animals and their habitats Turtle (turtle). But now the turtles on the verge of extinction, and therefore this animal is protected by Government Regulation No. 7 year 1999 about the Preservation of Plants and Animals, one of which protects all species of sea turtles. Also protected by international law through the World Conservation Union (IUCN).Then how do you think? there still willing to spend your vacation to Bali without first stopping to Kuta Beach?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Losari Beach

A. At a Glance

Losari is an icon of Makassar. First, the long beach approximately one mile was once dubbed as the longest beach in the world with a table, because the tent stalls lined the shore embankment. Now, these stalls have been relocated to a place not far from the tourist area. Makassar City Government has made to beautify the beach pavilion with 100 thousand square meters area, so that it looks more beautiful, clean, pollution free and convenient to visit. This tourist attraction most visited in the afternoon, between the hours of 15:00 pm till 21:00 hours. B. Feature Losari has a very unique and distinctive charm. Uniqueness is one of the visitors can see the sunrise and sunset in one position. Features of these attractions is the visitor can enjoy the beautiful sound of waves that broke the dike beach and the coolness "angingmamiri" the breeze was blowing, and watching the seconds setting of the sun as a whole over the horizon, starting from the color changes to shift its position until the correct completely disappeared from sight. The visitors can also enjoy a variety of fresh seafood. In the south pavilion Losari, there is a cafe and a floating restaurant that uses traditional ship Bugis-Makassar "Phinisi" with a varied menu, such as cooking stingrays, squid and lobster, with prices ranging from Rp 7500, - up to USD 25.000, - per serving. In addition, the pengungjung can sample a variety of foods typical of Makassar, such as bananas epek, pallu butung, green bananas, coto Makassar, konro soup, and others. Another specialty is the visitors can access the internet free of charge through the hot spots along Losari. C. Location Losari is located right in the heart of Makassar City, which is on the Road Comforter, which is located to the west of the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi. D. Access The location is very strategic Losari, making it easy to access. Sukarno Hatta from the port of Makassar, this beach can be reached around 15 minutes by car or motorcycle. If departing from Hasanuddin Airport, can be taken approximately 45 minutes by car or motorcycle. E. Admission Prices Losari is a place of recreation for free (free) for the general public. F. Accommodation and Facilities Around the attractions available all types of vehicles, such as: buses, taxis, and rickshaws are ready to take the visitors around to enjoy the atmosphere of Makassar. Along Jl. Comforter is also available lodging facilities ranging from guesthouse to hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, coffee shops, and various other entertainment venues, and all of them overlooking the sea. On Jl. Somba Opu, not far from the sights, there are shopping centers and souvenir gold crafts typical of Makassar.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tanjung Pesona Beach

Tanjung Pesona Beach was the last beach that I visited during my trip to Bangka Island last year. Even though the visit was rather short, it’s good enough to witness the beauty of Pantai Tanjung Pesona with its soft white sands, clear sea water with small waves, lines of coconut trees on its shore, and a view of a small Gazebo on its water connected by a small bridge to the shore that looked like an icon of the beach already.
Pantai Tanjung Pesona is located at Desa Rabak, Kecamatan Sungailiat, around 9km from Sungailiat. Parking lot at the location was spacious, covered from the sun by leaves of coconut trees. Visitor could as well tour along the beach on a rented carriage.
Huge stones lying nicely on the beach seems to be one of the trademarks of beaches in Bangka Island.
The Gazebo and the connecting bridge.
Girls were enjoying the time.
A father was tending his kids braving the waves.
The Gazebo from a distance with scene of kids playing on the beach.
The huge rock is a nice place for relaxing as well as a good spot for trying one’s luck with fishing.
Up to 3-star hotel is available at Pantai Tanjung Pesona for you to stay if you want to enjoy the view and the atmosphere of the popular beach in the early morning or late afternoon, before exploring further the other beaches and places of interest in Bangka Island.

Pengandaran Beach West Java

Pangandaran Beach area is one of the leading tourist attraction and Ciamis regency of West Java Province. In fact, the area that are in the South Coast of Java is included in the agenda of visiting Indonesia in 2008. Therefore, local governments through the local Department of Tourism and Culture, continues to improve and equip various facilities Pangandaran beach resort. Feature Visitors can enjoy the scenery beautiful Pangandaran Beach and the stretch of sloping white sand beaches stunning. Two hills that flank the Pangandaran beach breeze softly making waves and ripples of the sea is relatively small, so that your visitors comfortable doing various activities, like swimming using tires, boating around the peninsula, fishing, relaxing on the beach, or simply absorb the natural beauty of tourist cottages numerous in the area. In addition, visitors can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place. For visitors who want to dive in this area there are gardens with a variety of marine fauna and flora of the beautiful sea. Roads around the coast has been paved smooth, making it easier for visitors who want to surround the area with a motor vehicle or bicycle. When night falls, visitors still will feel comfortable in Pangandaran Beach, because the area has been equipped with adequate lighting. Every weekend, usually held on traditional performing arts of West Java. In addition, in certain months held various events, such as sea fishing urination Pangandaran in March, nyiar lumar in June, the international kite festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) in July, decorated boat parade in August, the race fishing in September, touring cross-country and off road in October, and the new year celebration in December. Location Pangandaran Beach is located in the District of Pangandaran, Ciamis regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Access From Bandung, guests can use the route Bandung - Tasikmalaya - Pangandaran. The distance is around 236 kilometers. Besides the bus, visitors can take the train to the station Banjar. From Banjar, we travel by bus to Pangandaran. From Yogyakarta, visitors can use the route of Yogyakarta - Cilacap - Banjar - Pangandaran. The distance is around 385 kilometers. Besides the bus, visitors can take the train to the station Banjar. From Banjar, we travel by bus to Pangandaran. Accommodation and Facilities In Pangandaran Beach tourist area there are various supporting facilities, such as large parking area and safe, hotel and guesthouse with various types, SAR teams, tourist cabin, camping grounds, pramu tourism, and tourism information center. In addition, in the region there are other facilities such as banks, ATMs, money changers, restaurants, dining, cinemas, discos, bike rental place and tires, jet skis, post office, telephone, credit vouchers, the sailing , and the center of souvenirs and souvenir outlets.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kura-kura Beach

Singkawang, - It is interesting that no other coastal region commonly found is the Kura Kura often landing beach to lay eggs. Since it was introduced with the name of the coastal beach or Kura Kura Kura Kura Beach. A sloping beach with clean golden sand make Kura Kura often stop by. Hundreds of rare animals can be landed tens of meters from shore to shore. They spend hundreds of eggs for breeding. Then return to explore the sea and ocean in the world. Until the Coastal Kura Kura managed by Robertson, Charlie Robertson and Siska, Kura Kura Beach area 3 hectares were often found nesting Kura Kura. Animals that can live hundreds of years it still looked like stopping in the coastal area. Perhaps one reason was the region still maintained its authenticity. ''Because there is still often visited Kura Kura, then eventually this beach called Turtle Beach Turtle,''Robertson said residents Kalbar Siska's. When Kura Kura nesting season, local people often do not wait and take the eggs for sale. This has long been the community income to supplement the cost of living. But slowly but surely began to awaken citizens to the manager not to take the eggs sporadically Kura Kura everything. Leave a fifty percent for the survival of rare breed animals. Even the people invited to develop tourism on the coast of turtles and tortoises to maintain the authenticity of nature. Instead of taking people who mengadalkan turtle eggs turtle, beach managers to take local workers to make the Cottage and loom. Cottage is made with natural ingredients and will continue to be added when the beaches are more well known. ''In keeping with the authenticity of this nature on the beach, we also pay attention to the survival of the Kura Kura. We will be very happy to see the animals that hatch and can be returned to its natural life,''said Siska. Managing in developing shore is very attentive and keep the beach area of the original equipment. They wanted to create a natural atmosphere of the original. Maybe for the local tourist atmosphere like that is not too interesting. But for foreign tourists to the original natural charm they most enjoy doing. That's why the manager did not make the target of local tourists to visit, but the target is a foreign tourist. ''We want to inform foreign tourists that this ordinance loveliest object is very beautiful and interesting place to visit,''he said, determined to introduce beach resort located in Bengkayang it. (*)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cape pleased with the famous white sand beaches are beautiful and fun. The water is clean, good place for swimming and sunbathing. Here we can enjoy the sunrise and sunset with a gleaming light nenbersit on white sand along tens of kilometers. Well-known beaches pleased to foreign countries, has now been arranged neatly into the tourist area in the count patutu. Various facilities are available, such as hotels, restaurants, and other means of telecommunication, pleased beach is located about 41 km towards east of the city Bulukumba. with ferry ferry ports linking the mainland with the island of South Sulawesi Selayar. Tanjung Bira is a white sand beach is very well known in South Sulawesi. These include coastal beaches are clean, neat, and clear seawater. The beauty and comfort to the beach is famous around the world. Foreign tourists from various countries many who visit this place for a vacation. Tanjung Bira beach is very beautiful and stunning with white sand as soft as flour. On location, visitors can swim, sunbathing, diving and snorkeling. The visitors also can watch the sunrise and sunset in the same position, and can enjoy the beauty of the two existing islands in front of this coast, namely Liukang Island and Goat Island. Tanjung Bira located in the southernmost tip of South Sulawesi province, precisely in the District of Bonto Bahari, Bulukumba. Tanjung Bira located about 40 km from the town of Feather Water Bearer, or 200 km from Makassar City. Travel from city to city Makassar Bulukumba can be reached by using public transport such as cars Kijang, Panther or Innova at a rate of Rp. 35 000, -. Furthermore, from the City of Cape Bira Bulukumba to be achieved by using a car pete-pete (microbus) with rates ranging from Rp. 8000, - to - Rp. 10 000, -. Total travel time from Makassar to Tanjung Bira about 3 - 3.5 hours. When visitors depart from Hasanuddin airport, straight into the terminal Malengkeri (Makassar) by taxi at a rate of approximately Rp. 40 000, -. In this terminal and then take a bus or a direct Bulukumba goal to Tanjung Bira. In the tourist area of Tanjung Bira, public transport to operate only until the afternoon. If the visitor must return to the city of Makassar on the same evening, there is chartered car (rental) rates to USD. 500 000, -. Cost of admission to the location of Tanjung Bira Beach Rp. 5000, -. Tanjung Bira Beach tourist area is equipped with various facilities such as restaurants, lodging, villas, bungalows, and hotels with rates starting from USD. 100.000, - till Rp. 600 000, - per day. In this place there are also diving and snorkeling equipment rental rates to USD. 30 000, -. For visitors who completed a swim at the beach, public restrooms and provided fresh water to clean the sand and sea water still clinging to the body. For visitors who want to tour around beaches, bike rentals are available at the rate of Rp. 65 000, -. In coastal areas there is also a ferry port is ready to take tourists who want to travel to the Island Selayar submarines.